This is the future home for Pet Pals. Info:Hello! Welcome to Pet Pals! Pet Pals is a fun place to share your pet pics, role-play your pets / other role-play, and make clubs! The goal of Pet Pals is to have fun! You can make clubs by having 30 diamonds . At a club you can chat on the chat place, role-play on the role-play forum, or just share pet pics in your area, or the main area. Please note that if you are under 13 you must have parent permission to make an account. If you choose to, you will be selected into a team based on your quiz scores. The quiz is a way to find a team with silmilar interests as you. At a team you try to get diamonds and points to make the leaderboards. If you get the 1st team on the leaderboard, every teammate that participated will get to choose if they want to help make Pet Pals a better place, by helping newbies on the newbie chat area. Make sure to use your team points before the end of the semester before your points expire! You can buy/earn a logo for your team by paying in the shop, or being in the top 10 teams! If you get 5 team logos, your team will become VIP. A VIP team can play special mini games, and On each activity there is a (dog) or (cat) sign. (dog) means that this activity will need dog knowledge. (cat) means that the activity will need cat knowledge. If there is a (other) sign, it means that it does not require knowledge of any sort. Instead of a profile for you, you will have a pet picture page. At your pet picture page you can show other users your pet pictures. If you do not want everyone to see the pictures, you can press private and only the users you share with will be able to see your pictures. You can look on others' pet picture page, and see their pictures.If you post a funny/cute picture of you pet and we notice it, we may put your pet picture on the top main of the website for everyone to see. Of course we will ask you before putting it up. If you buy a pack, and do not want your pet pic on the front page, then you get a free group chat. You can buy points for your team, in the POINTS PACK. We will look over your account before it is verified, and we will look over your pics before they are posted.Here are some rules: No putting your face in pictures if you do it will be blurred out. No swearing it is bad. If you do decide to swear then it will be put in tags and you will be banned. No spamming the chat it’s annoying and you will be banned for three days. No editing pictures. No bullying we can read the chat and we will find you and ban you. No trust trading it's always a scam so if you don’t want to lose anything then DON’T TRUST TRADE. You can’t get a pack more than ten times in a month.